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Rush Saga Feature

Role: UX Team Leader & Head of Product Design.

The Mission

Designing a new event feature to deliver rich live content, enhance player engagement, and drive purchases, boosting retention rates and overall game revenue.

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About The Feature

A limited-time event where the player's goal is to progress through a map of levels by winning gin-rummy matches, reaching the final stage and collect the rewards along the way.
Another layer of the challenge is to collect all the three stars in each level by achieving the highest score, completing the event's star progress bar, and unlocking the grand prize. all under the pressure of a time limit.

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The Design Process

Adjusting the Game Mechanic
With the goal to create an exciting new experience for players in a gin-rummy match, we changed the typical scoring system and replaced it with a new star system, displayed as a progress bar on the game scene.

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The existing Game-Scene screen

The new Rush feature's Game-Scene. with a star system mechanism

The Game
The player's goal in a gin-rummy match is to create melds of RUN or SET.
Each turn, a player takes a card from the deck or the last discarded card and then discards one from their hand. When the sum of the deadwood cards (cards not part of a meld) is 10 or less, the player can KNOCK, hoping to have a lower deadwood value than their opponent. The player with the lowest deadwood value wins the round.
Stars are collected during the match as the player creates more sets and runs in their hand.
If the player reaches GIN (deadwood value = 0), they can achieve the maximum of 3 stars in the match.
The stars progress bar fills during the match, giving players an extra sense of excitement, progress, and achievement. Additionally, it adds an extra layer of challenge and a new goal to strive for.

The Main Map Screen
The goal was to create a reusable template for the map screen, where the road and level locations are fixed, and the background can be replaced with different themed skins for each new event.
The map contains 15 levels and 4 milestone rewards. Each level has a visual star rating indicator that shows the number of stars the player has achieved for completing the level. Players can replay levels to improve their star rating and collect all 3 stars in each level.
At the top of the screen, there is a star progress bar. If the player succeeds in collecting all 45 stars before the event ends, they will win the grand prize.
In addition, we chose to place two floating icons on the left side of the map screen: one for the Lives Store and another for special purchase offers.

More Themed Maps

A reward tooltip, opened with a click, designed to encourage players to keep playing and collecting all the rewards

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Lives Store
As part of the monetization strategy, the feature was designed as a lives-based (energy) system.
In order to play a level, the player must have lives. A life is lost when the player loses a level.
Players have the opportunity to get more lives by using their diamond currency to purchase a lives refill or unlimited lives for a limited time through the Lives Store pop-up. Additionally, players can watch an ad to earn one extra life when they run out of lives.​

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Time Extension Offer
With the goal of converting players to make a purchase, we leveraged the pressure point of the event's final 24 hours and offered a time extension deal. This gives players the opportunity to buy two extra days for the event, along with a bundle of currencies and unlimited lives for a limited time.

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Feature's Screens

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